Monday, December 1, 2014

trace with bernie wrightson

Just trying to understand how these greats understand form by pure tracing over their work- this time I tried to trace over a Bernie Wrightson Solomon Grundy page. This was crazy on how detailed the work was- image it was 11X17 or larger- a lot of ink bottles were emptied on this piece.

I did this with Sketchbook pro 7- and was impressed with the response with the felt tip marker tool. this took me  a couple of hours to trace- image the time it took to ink this one with non digital tools- WOW- still impressed with this work...

My critique: I can tell I need to understand a curved stroke over a straight stroke and how those stroke define form- will keep working...

Monday, November 24, 2014

Tracing to crack the code- Neal Adams

was listing to interview with Neal Adams on Kevin Smith's Smodcast: Fatman on Batman and was inspired to learn many professionals use reference and maybe even tracing to increase there speed to complete artwork and  their production quality in some cases. Looking at Neal's stuff, I see a lot of reference but also an eye for art being exercised.. Noting he knows how to render shapes with a line and indicate depth like no other- so I am going back to school and tracing over his stuff to help me see how he sees in defining  and rendering his shapes- so I used sketchbook pro to produce this inking trace- I learn a lot about how he renders hair and volume.... more to come...