Okay, I was racking my brain to determine a way to put out color compositions with clean enough lines and rendered colors adequate enough for presentation storyboards. I looked on several websites of working storyboard artists. Some were really sweet, with nation-wide contacts and references and some were not so sweet but consistent and clean. In other words, art varies greatly from person to person. I figured out, then and there, that I needed to devise a method for me that works with my style and will be considered world class... Sweet,clean, and consistent.... The following progressive is my first attempt at getting this look- step1: create non-white background-2 Sketch a face loosely and do feathering as needed to identify planes of the face that will be rendered in color- 3 tighten up features that will be described as line later- ie not all cross-hatching should be tightened up- the idea is less lines are more- 4 -finish line in black (100% opacity, 100% flow)- idea is economy of lines-5 create a color render for the face- effectively I selected the face alone and use big brush strokes ( at low flow) for main tint and shadow-highlights were done with smaller brush- following the crosshatched lines denoting the planes of the face. 6 placed hair on the image ( this I still need to work on but the idea was work with 2-3 colors for the hair. 7 the last stage is hide sketch layers for finished look
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